Or triple...
Can you guess what book this is?
I tried to shape the light by using snoot with very small opening aimed at the setup very close ~4" away so that the light is focused. The more focused the flash is the easier to shape it around the heart.
1/250 sec, 1/8
1/32 M. 1/64 is too dark. I could open up the aperture or I did? Forgot. BAsically I tweaked around f/stop and 1/32 and 1/64. Bad habit. Gotta learn more.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Slow Sync Flash

Using snoot
With this shot yesterday, I can see the snoot opening pattern on the box. The big spread seemed to be the bounced light escaping from the sides of the AL foil before it reaches the end. THe light is escaping! Well, it's not fiber optics, but I thought it should bounce internally better than this. Time to read Strobist.
Monday, February 7, 2011
How to take smoke pictures
I'm not over the smokes yet until I get it right. You will see more smoke pics in future. This smoke/steam from noodle is short-lived as in dry ice. I need more sustainable smoke.
1/64 M ~1ft away. f/1.8, 1/250- Need dark background. If I can't see smoke with bare eyes, I can't see it in pics.
- Focus is hard. I wish this has better focus.
- Best solution for next time: Put the food in window light and expose for that natural light (w/o considering flash exposure) so that the food will look appetizing in natural light. For the smoke, put the food against black background (dark cabinets), so basically put the food between the window and the dark wall.
- Without flash, the food should look appetizing. Wil not see the steam well.
- Now Aim the flash at smoke. The flash will expose the smoke.
- I need snoots so that it doesn't spread to the food to interfere with natural light on the food.
** I should start using snoots
The pic on the right has the right idea, but the background needs to be dark.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
flash zoom focus

-f/13 for all
- 1/64 M
- ~1ft above subject
24mm is very broad, 108mm sends a narrow beam to reach 108mm focal length, so the mushrooms has brighter/hasher light hitting their head. 24mm light is so broad that their heads are not lit enough.
Notice the beam spread at the top of each image. 108mm image has the dark corners (means narrow beam coming out) and 24mm has almost uniform light at corners.
My fav is 108mm out of these 3 pics. The others are too dark. Flash is "in-focus" for 108mm and "not-in-focus" for 24mm.
I don't think this is how 'Apparent light source' exercise is to be done; it needs to be bounced off the wall to create a bigger+softer light source with 24mm and smaller+hasher light source with 108mm. But this is how I ended up. I need to plan next time before clicking.
I had so much fun with this shot. First time mounting flash on Gorillapod overhead. Gorillapod is gripping on the lamp. Scary. But it works! And my first time having flash overhead. Gorillapod is so worth it now. I've made good uses of it recently.
Strobist info: M 1/64 ~1.5ft away
I tried to make background black, but don't know how. If the light is closer than that, the background is darker as in Strobist distance exercise, but it's too flashy and harsh. Am I missing something? How do people take totally black background with flash focus only on the subject without getting to 1ft and being too harsh?
Need to learn how to get black background. Snoob?
Self-portrait with BBF
Self-portrait is so fun. I used a remote control with back-button focusing, mainly to see if I can back-button focus and use self timer.
f/stop is not too low. I used an object an arm length and focus on that object, remembering the reference plane. Then I have to very carefully line my face with that plane to get my face in focus.
My fav shot after a few trials. See my left eye, I can even see the veins! Love the focus. I think I can do BBF with timer . yayy. I've never gotten this nice focus with AF w/ shutter focusing. I feel like I master BBF now. Finally I'm confortable with BBF.